
The real master of golf

Many people believe that bunt too cumbersome, not happy, a short distance where
there are so many different angles, terrain, there are different clubs from
different grass or grass on the playing out of the ball, there will be so many
different results ... .... The real master of golf or golfers to National Cheng
Kung University, when observed in the bunt, analyzing, thinking distance, terrain,
quality of the grass, wind and other "details", blend with the natural world. At
this time, his whole body covered with sharp tentacles, are generally golfers can
be compared.
    The fact is, whether you are just starting a "rookie", or the ball has 30
years of age "veterans", despite how we train hard, you want to swing on the
abruptly increased by 30 yards, this opportunity is almost zero. "Bunt" is just
the opposite, that there is no physical effort restrictions, anyone can learn, the
more we learn the more clever, no end. Bunt is the epitome of a long fight, the
emphasis is on "sensitive antennae" in the swing, its balance, rhythm, time to
figure out the trick to get almost all relatively easy to grasp. Enhancing the
bunt, hit inadvertently will long leaps and bounds. Experiments show that, after
half an hour to practice with 40 to 50 yards between the Pitching, and then No. 1
wood long play, the ball than the rate of wood to practice the same time much

